I first heard of the pepper spray story via Kitty Go's blog (http://chichitsthefan.blogspot.com/2008/11/let-us-spray.html). For those of you who didn't know, this is about 2 socialites who had a pepper spray incident (one spraying the other) at Embassy.
Apparently, the matter is now resolved ---> http://www.pep.ph/news/20298/FIRST-READ-ON-PEP:-Socialites-bury-pepper-spray-scandal:-Trish-apologizes;-Neny-drops-suit
On the side, Kitty kept on saying on her blog that PEP steals stories from her blog. Well, in my personal opinion, I would rather read stories on PEP than Kitty's blog. Why? When I read them on Kitty's blog, I have no idea who she's talking about. I can barely understand the struggling grammar as well as the always changing text font. Besides, she tends to hide information that PEP have no problems divulging.
Notice on this latest PEP article the title is started w/ 'First Read on PEP.' PEP need not be defensive. They are better in delivering news, or gossip.
Monday, December 29, 2008
When it's on Oscar, Don't Watch It!
This has been my motto eversince I've seen the movie Leaving Las Vegas. There was so much Oscar buzz for that movie. I quickly learned that the critics have very much 'developed' taste for movies. Remember the days when we loved alternative music? We were young, too much into radio, too much time to appreciate music that we found pop to be too common or boring, & we went into alternative & the like. I think that's how critics go. See the fashion shows? Most of them really, where can you really wear them?
Really, these Oscar buzz movies are too weird for the common people. Including me, really. I do not like watching movies that will make me feel depressed, what is the point? Wasn't I doing that for fun? For entertainment? Really, there are just too many movies w/ Oscar buzz that has disappointed me which is why I utterly created this rule for myself "When it's on Oscar, Don't Watch It!"
Here is an article...
The Obvious Case for "Benjamin Button"
by John Lopez
December 27, 2008, 2:17 PM
For the Academy to nominate a film for Best Picture, it's not enough for it to simply be one of the best pictures of the year. (Just try and cross-reference the critics' top-ten lists this year with the perceived front-runners.) A Best Picture nominee has to feel like a Best Picture nominee, which requires satisfying a number of commandments. Going through them one by one, it become clear why The Curious Case of Benjamin Button strikes the perfect balance, making it a 100 percent lock despite its 69 percent Metacritic rating.
First, a Best Picture has to have intellectual prestige, but not too much. So, Wall-E is out because, as beloved as Pixar is, animation doesn't seem weighty enough. On the other hand, a Borgesian brain bender like Charlie Kaufman's Synecdoche, New York, is just too cerebral.
Second, the film has to have cachet. Indie darlings Ballast, Shotgun Stories, and Wendy and Lucy don't have a prayer because their combined budgets wouldn't pay the catering for Iron Man and the biggest name between them is Michelle Williams. Then again, an Oscar film can't be too overtly commercial. So, The Dark Knight's runaway DVD sales might make the Academy feel like it's bending to the will of the people.
Finally, a Best Picture has to be about something somber and grand—but not utterly depressing. Thus, light-hearted confections like Vicky Cristina Barcelona or Happy-Go-Lucky are as unworthy as a bitter pill like Revolutionary Road. (Sure, last year the nominees went nihilist, but still, No Country for Old Men beat out There Will Be Blood. The difference: No Country For Old Men had good guys).
If any movie this year is shouting its Oscar cred from the mountaintops, it's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: it's adapted from an F. Scott Fitzgerald story (there's the prestige) but directed by a commercial director like David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club) who's not too brainy (Alien 3, Panic Room); it's got the A-list cachet of Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, but the indie cred of Tilda Swinton and Julia Ormond; and finally, writer Eric Roth has given it the sobriety of grand themes like loss and the cruelties of time but tempers them with the eternally redemptive power of true love.
Before you start spending your Oscar pool winnings, don't forget the final and greatest commandment in Hollywood. How'd it do this weekend at the box office? Hmm... not bad.
Really, these Oscar buzz movies are too weird for the common people. Including me, really. I do not like watching movies that will make me feel depressed, what is the point? Wasn't I doing that for fun? For entertainment? Really, there are just too many movies w/ Oscar buzz that has disappointed me which is why I utterly created this rule for myself "When it's on Oscar, Don't Watch It!"
Here is an article...
The Obvious Case for "Benjamin Button"
by John Lopez
December 27, 2008, 2:17 PM
For the Academy to nominate a film for Best Picture, it's not enough for it to simply be one of the best pictures of the year. (Just try and cross-reference the critics' top-ten lists this year with the perceived front-runners.) A Best Picture nominee has to feel like a Best Picture nominee, which requires satisfying a number of commandments. Going through them one by one, it become clear why The Curious Case of Benjamin Button strikes the perfect balance, making it a 100 percent lock despite its 69 percent Metacritic rating.
First, a Best Picture has to have intellectual prestige, but not too much. So, Wall-E is out because, as beloved as Pixar is, animation doesn't seem weighty enough. On the other hand, a Borgesian brain bender like Charlie Kaufman's Synecdoche, New York, is just too cerebral.
Second, the film has to have cachet. Indie darlings Ballast, Shotgun Stories, and Wendy and Lucy don't have a prayer because their combined budgets wouldn't pay the catering for Iron Man and the biggest name between them is Michelle Williams. Then again, an Oscar film can't be too overtly commercial. So, The Dark Knight's runaway DVD sales might make the Academy feel like it's bending to the will of the people.
Finally, a Best Picture has to be about something somber and grand—but not utterly depressing. Thus, light-hearted confections like Vicky Cristina Barcelona or Happy-Go-Lucky are as unworthy as a bitter pill like Revolutionary Road. (Sure, last year the nominees went nihilist, but still, No Country for Old Men beat out There Will Be Blood. The difference: No Country For Old Men had good guys).
If any movie this year is shouting its Oscar cred from the mountaintops, it's The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: it's adapted from an F. Scott Fitzgerald story (there's the prestige) but directed by a commercial director like David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club) who's not too brainy (Alien 3, Panic Room); it's got the A-list cachet of Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett, but the indie cred of Tilda Swinton and Julia Ormond; and finally, writer Eric Roth has given it the sobriety of grand themes like loss and the cruelties of time but tempers them with the eternally redemptive power of true love.
Before you start spending your Oscar pool winnings, don't forget the final and greatest commandment in Hollywood. How'd it do this weekend at the box office? Hmm... not bad.
Friday, December 26, 2008
The Perfect Crime
Hahahahha! Interesting read...
Top 10 Tips to Commit the Perfect Crime
Every year in virtually every country, crimes go unsolved - and sometimes undetected. When someone commits a crime of this type it is called a perfect crime. This is a list of ten tips to perpetrating the perfect crime. I am sure it doesn’t need to be said, this is not meant as a reference for criminals, but rather as an entertaining look at crime and detection.
1. DNA
DNA is the surest way to prove you committed a crime. It is absolute imperative that you do not leave ANY DNA behind you and that is very difficult. The best solution to this is to commit your crime in a place that is likely to have a lot of DNA from strangers. For example, a park, a mall, anywhere that a lot of people tend to gather. Finding your DNA will be like finding a needle in a haystack.
2. Relationship
The large number of crimes committed are committed by someone close to the victim. The police know this well and they know who to question. Your best bet here is to pick someone as random as the victim. This is especially true if murder is your crime of choice. Don’t be tempted to commit your crime against someone you only know in passing - it must be a total stranger.
3. Proximity
This ties in to point 2 - commit the crime in another town. You don’t want to travel so far that you can be connected because you took a trip - just far enough that you are outside of the main area of interest to the police. You also don’t want to be on the road for hours before the crime as you may become tired, or after the crime as you may still be on the streets when the big investigation begins.
4. Type of Crime
Chose your crime carefully. For example, you are almost certain to get caught if you try to rob a bank. Chose a crime that can be committed in the early hours of the morning or that can be done very discretely during the daytime.
5. Evidence
Most criminals are caught because they tried to hide the crime - what they should have been doing is trying to hide any connection they have to the crime. It doesn’t matter if the police know the crime happened. If your crime involves a gun or weapon of some kind, use it and drop it. Leave it at the scene. If you follow point 7 this will not be a problem. If you kill someone, leave the body there. Do not touch the body at all. Do not move the body and do not try to hide the body. And just in case you haven’t understood that last part - that includes using a vat of acid. If you have stolen something, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible and if it is money, don’t start spending up large - you will draw attention to yourself.
6. Timing
Timing is everything. The best time to commit a crime is in the very early hours of the day when most people are asleep. If you do follow this instruction, remember that you need to look like you are not out of place on the street. That means no full face coverings. The selected time is important when you come to purchase your tools.
7. Tools
First off, you need good thick gloves. The thin ones are not good enough as they can split and it is possible to leave fingerprints if they are sufficiently thin. Do not use anything you own and do not buy brands you normally buy unless they are very generic brands. This means you need to go shopping. Shop out of town and shop in large department stores where you are less likely to be remembered. Remember: very common brands only. You must pay in cash and you must destroy any receipts, or shopping bags. After the crime is committed, destroy everything you bought as quickly as you can and don’t do it in an obvious way, like having a bonfire in your back yard when you have never done so before. Wait at least one month from buying your goods to committing your crime.
8. Alibi
It is wise to have an alibi - though not essential if you have followed all the other rules. It doesn’t hurt however. One way you can do this is to plan an out of town trip and book your hotel and rental car with your credit card. Sign up for a convention and attend. Try to use a hotel with no cameras. In the early hours travel to the place of your crime, commit it, and return. Enjoy the remainder of your holiday (on your credit card) and return home the next day.
9. The Getaway
If you are committing the crime in the early hours, the best mode of transport is by bike. This will enable you to get off the roads if you need and to travel quickly. You do not want to be seen on the street walking (remember, the Zodiac nearly got caught this way) and you don’t want to be the only car on the street at 2am! Take regular cycle clothes and wear them. In the case of murder, if you have dumped the murder weapon you should not need to worry about evidence if you do get picked up. Wear an iPod and maybe a fresh packet of cigarettes - you can always say you were out getting smokes as you couldn’t sleep.
10. Aftermath
First of all, do not watch the television and avoid the papers. The police can use these as tools to try to psych you out. Avoid these things for at least a month. Do not celebrate in any way - continue about your every day life. Do not brag about your crime to anyone (that includes posting here in the comments!)
One final tip: if you do get arrested, this does not mean you have failed to commit the perfect crime. If this happens, do not speak. The police need evidence to convict you - if you have done the job right, there won’t be any. Don’t help the police with testimony. Remember, the court needs to find you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Oh - and if you do get convicted, you might want to read this article on the top 10 tips to surviving prison.
In case you are wondering how I know all this… re-read point 10! Okay, I am kidding. Really
Top 10 Tips to Commit the Perfect Crime
Every year in virtually every country, crimes go unsolved - and sometimes undetected. When someone commits a crime of this type it is called a perfect crime. This is a list of ten tips to perpetrating the perfect crime. I am sure it doesn’t need to be said, this is not meant as a reference for criminals, but rather as an entertaining look at crime and detection.
1. DNA
DNA is the surest way to prove you committed a crime. It is absolute imperative that you do not leave ANY DNA behind you and that is very difficult. The best solution to this is to commit your crime in a place that is likely to have a lot of DNA from strangers. For example, a park, a mall, anywhere that a lot of people tend to gather. Finding your DNA will be like finding a needle in a haystack.
2. Relationship
The large number of crimes committed are committed by someone close to the victim. The police know this well and they know who to question. Your best bet here is to pick someone as random as the victim. This is especially true if murder is your crime of choice. Don’t be tempted to commit your crime against someone you only know in passing - it must be a total stranger.
3. Proximity
This ties in to point 2 - commit the crime in another town. You don’t want to travel so far that you can be connected because you took a trip - just far enough that you are outside of the main area of interest to the police. You also don’t want to be on the road for hours before the crime as you may become tired, or after the crime as you may still be on the streets when the big investigation begins.
4. Type of Crime
Chose your crime carefully. For example, you are almost certain to get caught if you try to rob a bank. Chose a crime that can be committed in the early hours of the morning or that can be done very discretely during the daytime.
5. Evidence
Most criminals are caught because they tried to hide the crime - what they should have been doing is trying to hide any connection they have to the crime. It doesn’t matter if the police know the crime happened. If your crime involves a gun or weapon of some kind, use it and drop it. Leave it at the scene. If you follow point 7 this will not be a problem. If you kill someone, leave the body there. Do not touch the body at all. Do not move the body and do not try to hide the body. And just in case you haven’t understood that last part - that includes using a vat of acid. If you have stolen something, you need to get rid of it as quickly as possible and if it is money, don’t start spending up large - you will draw attention to yourself.
6. Timing
Timing is everything. The best time to commit a crime is in the very early hours of the day when most people are asleep. If you do follow this instruction, remember that you need to look like you are not out of place on the street. That means no full face coverings. The selected time is important when you come to purchase your tools.
7. Tools
First off, you need good thick gloves. The thin ones are not good enough as they can split and it is possible to leave fingerprints if they are sufficiently thin. Do not use anything you own and do not buy brands you normally buy unless they are very generic brands. This means you need to go shopping. Shop out of town and shop in large department stores where you are less likely to be remembered. Remember: very common brands only. You must pay in cash and you must destroy any receipts, or shopping bags. After the crime is committed, destroy everything you bought as quickly as you can and don’t do it in an obvious way, like having a bonfire in your back yard when you have never done so before. Wait at least one month from buying your goods to committing your crime.
8. Alibi
It is wise to have an alibi - though not essential if you have followed all the other rules. It doesn’t hurt however. One way you can do this is to plan an out of town trip and book your hotel and rental car with your credit card. Sign up for a convention and attend. Try to use a hotel with no cameras. In the early hours travel to the place of your crime, commit it, and return. Enjoy the remainder of your holiday (on your credit card) and return home the next day.
9. The Getaway
If you are committing the crime in the early hours, the best mode of transport is by bike. This will enable you to get off the roads if you need and to travel quickly. You do not want to be seen on the street walking (remember, the Zodiac nearly got caught this way) and you don’t want to be the only car on the street at 2am! Take regular cycle clothes and wear them. In the case of murder, if you have dumped the murder weapon you should not need to worry about evidence if you do get picked up. Wear an iPod and maybe a fresh packet of cigarettes - you can always say you were out getting smokes as you couldn’t sleep.
10. Aftermath
First of all, do not watch the television and avoid the papers. The police can use these as tools to try to psych you out. Avoid these things for at least a month. Do not celebrate in any way - continue about your every day life. Do not brag about your crime to anyone (that includes posting here in the comments!)
One final tip: if you do get arrested, this does not mean you have failed to commit the perfect crime. If this happens, do not speak. The police need evidence to convict you - if you have done the job right, there won’t be any. Don’t help the police with testimony. Remember, the court needs to find you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Oh - and if you do get convicted, you might want to read this article on the top 10 tips to surviving prison.
In case you are wondering how I know all this… re-read point 10! Okay, I am kidding. Really
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Hayden & Raymond

Early today I was scrolling through the channels & chanced upon Hayden Kho being interviewed on GMA. I stopped 'coz I saw a rather interestingly handsome man (I didn't recognized him). And my attention was caught, partly because I heard that he & Vicky were having troubles, I was wondering what happened. He actually admitted on the interview that Vicky left him & it's his fault. He denied an affair w/ Ruffa Mae but actually 'admitted' an affair w/ Katrina Halili w/c is why Vicky left him! He went on saying that the affair was only for their ego & had no emotional involvement. He also admitted that he tried to commit suicide & wrote 'I love you Vicky' on his body when he did. He sounded so sincere & innocent. According to the news, he has no plans of continuing his showbiz career for now & is instead planning on practicing medicine again. He was very apologetic & begged for Vicky to forgive him & take him back. (I was really surprised to find someone in local showbiz admit an affair! Maybe because he's not that showbiz yet?)
Haaay, if I were in Vicky's shoes I probably would've taken him back. Hmmm, considering I have a rule that I will 'never' tolerate cheaters. But he sounded so sincere.
Looking back, Vicky probably wouldn't take him back. I read before why Vicky left his husband (a Henares or Ynares?). She said she will never tolerate a cheater or polygamy (and I admire her for that!). And she doesn't understand why most women (especially in the Philippines) tolerate such. So she left him. That is, considering they have kids & the man is actually from a rich & well-known family, I mean, most married women in Philippines high society actually tolerate their husbands' philandering, since it's probably just the money they want anyway. Hayden, Hayden, all Vicky wanted was love. If it was just money, fame, prestige, she already had it, but she didn't settle for it 'coz she wanted love. It's just that, we all know she's the rich & successful one & you're the young hunky boyfriend, haaaaay!
And then I switched channels & saw Living it Up, I think on Q? And saw Raymond Guttierez. I initially didn't recognize him. I just learned he turned into a pig (i.e., overweight!)!
Haaay, if I were in Vicky's shoes I probably would've taken him back. Hmmm, considering I have a rule that I will 'never' tolerate cheaters. But he sounded so sincere.
Looking back, Vicky probably wouldn't take him back. I read before why Vicky left his husband (a Henares or Ynares?). She said she will never tolerate a cheater or polygamy (and I admire her for that!). And she doesn't understand why most women (especially in the Philippines) tolerate such. So she left him. That is, considering they have kids & the man is actually from a rich & well-known family, I mean, most married women in Philippines high society actually tolerate their husbands' philandering, since it's probably just the money they want anyway. Hayden, Hayden, all Vicky wanted was love. If it was just money, fame, prestige, she already had it, but she didn't settle for it 'coz she wanted love. It's just that, we all know she's the rich & successful one & you're the young hunky boyfriend, haaaaay!
And then I switched channels & saw Living it Up, I think on Q? And saw Raymond Guttierez. I initially didn't recognize him. I just learned he turned into a pig (i.e., overweight!)!
Hayden Kho,
katrina halili,
raymond guttierez,
vicky belo
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Quote of the Day - from Shaq
Monday, December 22, 2008

Today I am posting 2 news about 2 very similar men. They are similar in that they were both dubbed as 'kept men' basking on the fortunes of their 'sugar mommas.' But are they really kept men? Meaning, were they really gold-diggers & got their sugar mommas because of money or did they just fall in love w/ extremely wealthy & successful women?
The 1st of the 2 is Guy Ritchie. Everyone saw him as a gold-digger. A young & good-looking lad who married Madonna. But, we now know the divorce was so quick, why? Because Guy never wanted anything from Madonna, not a cent of her fortune, so divorce was quickly settled! And how is he now that Madonna has so shamelessly flauntered her affair w/ A-rod?
I know who Jemima Khan is for two reasons: she dated Hugh Grant and Vanity Fair won’t shut up about her family, The Goldsmiths. Seriously, Vanity Fair has been stuck on them for a couple of years- there’s been several articles about the passing of her father, Sir James Goldsmith, and his various restaurants, properties, affairs, personal issues. So by this rationale, I’m thinking the late Sir James Goldsmith was like the English landed-gentry version of Donald Trump. And my idea of knights and lords is stuck in Jane Austen-ville, by the way.
Apparently Jemima Khan is more than a Vanity Fair’s fetish and “one of the best-dressed women in the world”. She’s also making eyes at Madonna’s ex, Guy Ritchie. Judging solely from Khan’s general prettiness, I’d say she is a vast improvement for Guy.
Just as their divorce settlement was making news, Madonna’s ex-husband, Guy Ritchie, appeared to be celebrating his freedom and the holidays with someone new – millionaire heiress Jemima Khan.
The two attended a London dinner party together earlier this month at the home public-relations honcho Matthew Freud and his wife, Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, reports London’s Telegraph newspaper.
Khan, 33, is the socialite daughter of Lady Annabel Goldsmith (for whom the London nightclub was named) and the late financier Sir James Goldsmith. In 1995, she married Pakistani cricket player (now retired) Imran Khan, and they had two sons, now 12 and 9. The couple divorced in 2004, and she was later attached to actor Hugh Grant, though that relationship has ended, say British newspapers.
Returning to the Freuds’ home for a Christmas party this weekend, Ritchie and Khan joined such other holiday revelers as Stella and Mary McCartney, Lily Allen, Mick Jagger and Kevin Spacey, reports the Mirror.
At that earlier dinner party at the Freuds’ Notting Hill home, says the Telegraph, another of the guests was Trudie Styler, wife of Sting – and the matchmaker who had first introduced Ritchie and Madonna in 1999.
Is this definitive proof? Absolutely not. But it makes some kind of sense. We know Guy has a type - rich women who behave like aristocrats. It’s Guy’s Achilles heel. Flash some cash and throw a drink in someone’s face, and Guy will be trying to get into your pants. We need to save him from himself. I’ll give him credit, though - at least he chose an authentic “aristocrat” (my Class-Warrior Meter is going crazy, by the way), rather than some chick from Detroit with bigger (gristlier) muscles than him.
I’m also going to go out on a limb and say that I want to be invited to these cool parties. Guy Ritchie, Mick Jagger, Lily Allen and Kevin Spacey? Who will go home with whom at the end of the night? I wonder if “matchmaker” Trudie Styler was working that night.
And below are the blog readers' comments:
Wonder how he feels to be with someone that looks like a woman? *Hahaha! I never realized people looked at Madonna as a man! I looked at her as a granda who can't get over the 'tanga' era!
I ran into Jemima Khan once when she lived in Pakistan with her then-husband, the cricketing legend Imran Khan. She is absolutely beautiful in person. Guy would be lucky to spend time with her. Her ex-husband is a national hero in Pakistan not just for his cricketing prowess but for his social philanthropy work - he set up a cancer hospital in honor of his mother who died of the disease. Jemima came out here and married him at the age of 21, converted to Islam, and really threw herself into life here, but in the end the social and cultural differences were just too much, and people said she missed the glittering life of London. It’s really a fascinating story, actually.
Good for guy. Hope he finds happiness. *Agree!
Definite upgrade. Of course, anything would be an upgrade over gristly vadge. *I think it's madge? But really, super upgrade...

And here is another short story (I know I previously posted that K-fed is back w/ Britney but apparently, he's not...).
The 1st of the 2 is Guy Ritchie. Everyone saw him as a gold-digger. A young & good-looking lad who married Madonna. But, we now know the divorce was so quick, why? Because Guy never wanted anything from Madonna, not a cent of her fortune, so divorce was quickly settled! And how is he now that Madonna has so shamelessly flauntered her affair w/ A-rod?
I know who Jemima Khan is for two reasons: she dated Hugh Grant and Vanity Fair won’t shut up about her family, The Goldsmiths. Seriously, Vanity Fair has been stuck on them for a couple of years- there’s been several articles about the passing of her father, Sir James Goldsmith, and his various restaurants, properties, affairs, personal issues. So by this rationale, I’m thinking the late Sir James Goldsmith was like the English landed-gentry version of Donald Trump. And my idea of knights and lords is stuck in Jane Austen-ville, by the way.
Apparently Jemima Khan is more than a Vanity Fair’s fetish and “one of the best-dressed women in the world”. She’s also making eyes at Madonna’s ex, Guy Ritchie. Judging solely from Khan’s general prettiness, I’d say she is a vast improvement for Guy.
Just as their divorce settlement was making news, Madonna’s ex-husband, Guy Ritchie, appeared to be celebrating his freedom and the holidays with someone new – millionaire heiress Jemima Khan.
The two attended a London dinner party together earlier this month at the home public-relations honcho Matthew Freud and his wife, Elisabeth Murdoch, daughter of media mogul Rupert Murdoch, reports London’s Telegraph newspaper.
Khan, 33, is the socialite daughter of Lady Annabel Goldsmith (for whom the London nightclub was named) and the late financier Sir James Goldsmith. In 1995, she married Pakistani cricket player (now retired) Imran Khan, and they had two sons, now 12 and 9. The couple divorced in 2004, and she was later attached to actor Hugh Grant, though that relationship has ended, say British newspapers.
Returning to the Freuds’ home for a Christmas party this weekend, Ritchie and Khan joined such other holiday revelers as Stella and Mary McCartney, Lily Allen, Mick Jagger and Kevin Spacey, reports the Mirror.
At that earlier dinner party at the Freuds’ Notting Hill home, says the Telegraph, another of the guests was Trudie Styler, wife of Sting – and the matchmaker who had first introduced Ritchie and Madonna in 1999.
Is this definitive proof? Absolutely not. But it makes some kind of sense. We know Guy has a type - rich women who behave like aristocrats. It’s Guy’s Achilles heel. Flash some cash and throw a drink in someone’s face, and Guy will be trying to get into your pants. We need to save him from himself. I’ll give him credit, though - at least he chose an authentic “aristocrat” (my Class-Warrior Meter is going crazy, by the way), rather than some chick from Detroit with bigger (gristlier) muscles than him.
I’m also going to go out on a limb and say that I want to be invited to these cool parties. Guy Ritchie, Mick Jagger, Lily Allen and Kevin Spacey? Who will go home with whom at the end of the night? I wonder if “matchmaker” Trudie Styler was working that night.
And below are the blog readers' comments:
Wonder how he feels to be with someone that looks like a woman? *Hahaha! I never realized people looked at Madonna as a man! I looked at her as a granda who can't get over the 'tanga' era!
I ran into Jemima Khan once when she lived in Pakistan with her then-husband, the cricketing legend Imran Khan. She is absolutely beautiful in person. Guy would be lucky to spend time with her. Her ex-husband is a national hero in Pakistan not just for his cricketing prowess but for his social philanthropy work - he set up a cancer hospital in honor of his mother who died of the disease. Jemima came out here and married him at the age of 21, converted to Islam, and really threw herself into life here, but in the end the social and cultural differences were just too much, and people said she missed the glittering life of London. It’s really a fascinating story, actually.
Good for guy. Hope he finds happiness. *Agree!
Definite upgrade. Of course, anything would be an upgrade over gristly vadge. *I think it's madge? But really, super upgrade...

And here is another short story (I know I previously posted that K-fed is back w/ Britney but apparently, he's not...).
Kevin Federline goes out with his new girlfriend, volleyball star Victoria Prince, at a bowling alley in Los Angeles.
If you search about Victoria, she's not really richy-rich but...she's hot! So maybe K-fed is not a gold-digger after all! And Victoria seems to have a clear head, & is not gonna show her vajayjay in public anytime soon...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Audrina's Ceiling Eyes

Above: photo of Audrina w/ old & new lips
audrina partridge,
ceiling eyes,
perez hilton,
the hills
J-Lo the Ho
Ok, now J-lo's relationship w/ Marc Anthony is over. No wonder, she just stole him from his wife Dayanara, when they were actually family friends who usually dine out together!!!
EXCLUSIVE: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's Marriage at "Breaking Point"
The new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands tomorrow, reveals the behind-the-scenes crisis going on in Jennifer Lopez's third marriage to Marc Anthony.
Rumors swirled that Lopez's marriage was on the rocks after she showed up to the premiere of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last week without her 8-carat diamond engagement ring, wedding band - or ever present husband, Marc Anthony (who was spotted in Las Vegas sans wedding band the weekend before).
Multiple sources confirm to to Us Weekly their marriage is at a breaking point.
"They both didn't wear their rings on purpose," a mutual pal of the married couple of four years (who renewed their vows in October) tells Us. "Nothing Jennifer does is without purpose."
While Anthony's rep insists to Us, "They are doing great," a source tells Us deep trouble has been brewing.
"He's very, very controlling of her," a close Anthony pal tells Us. "The skirts aren't as short. You don't see so much of that booty anymore." The new Us Weekly also reports that Anthony also picks out Lopez’s clothes and keeps tabs on her phone calls.
But Lopez -- who once claimed she "loved getting his opinions" -- has become less interested in his approval since the birth of their 10-month-old twins, Max and Emme.
"She walks in from work, washes her hands and grabs the babies," a longtime friend tells Us. "With him, it's almost like, 'Ugh, they're crying again?'"
Another problem: Lopez -- who once commanded $15 million per film -- "blames Marc for her career going down the tubes," says a mutual pal, adding that she's bitter about the failure of their 2006 drama, El Cantante, which only grossed $7.5 million. (Her 2002 flick Maid in Manhattan earned over $94 million.)
"Jennifer looked around and said, 'This is my life now? I'm a Long Island housewife?'" a pal says. "She hates that everything she worked for went down the tubes."
Lopez isn't the only one with growing resentment toward her husband. Her best friend, Leah Remini, also can't stand him.
"It if was up to her, Leah would just break them up today," a pal says.
Anthony has also been badmouthing his wife. One night after their tense family Thanksgiving in which the couple "didn't sit together," Anthony hit NYC hotspots Bungalow 8 and Marquee, where he was spotted with his hand on a woman's thigh and overheard complaining about his wife to a group of women, "telling them, 'She's making me miserable,'" a source says.
His club spree didn't stop there: The next night, he was photographed by TMZ.com partying sans wedding band with pal Eva Longoria Parker and Russell Crowe in Las Vegas. (A source says, "According to Jennifer, he didn't cheat.")
The pair, who hadn’t been spotted together since Oct. 23 -- and the very public removal of their wedding bands -- had dinner Tuesday at Beverly Hills restaurant Luau, which they left holding hands.
(Lopez is no stranger to shows of strength, though: after she and Ben Affleck called off their first wedding, they had dinner at the paparazzi-laden Ivy restaurant in L.A.)
For more details on Anthony's creepy control issues and how they drive Lopez to tears, pick up the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands tomorrow.
EXCLUSIVE: Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony's Marriage at "Breaking Point"
The new issue of Us Weekly, on newsstands tomorrow, reveals the behind-the-scenes crisis going on in Jennifer Lopez's third marriage to Marc Anthony.
Rumors swirled that Lopez's marriage was on the rocks after she showed up to the premiere of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button last week without her 8-carat diamond engagement ring, wedding band - or ever present husband, Marc Anthony (who was spotted in Las Vegas sans wedding band the weekend before).
Multiple sources confirm to to Us Weekly their marriage is at a breaking point.
"They both didn't wear their rings on purpose," a mutual pal of the married couple of four years (who renewed their vows in October) tells Us. "Nothing Jennifer does is without purpose."
While Anthony's rep insists to Us, "They are doing great," a source tells Us deep trouble has been brewing.
"He's very, very controlling of her," a close Anthony pal tells Us. "The skirts aren't as short. You don't see so much of that booty anymore." The new Us Weekly also reports that Anthony also picks out Lopez’s clothes and keeps tabs on her phone calls.
But Lopez -- who once claimed she "loved getting his opinions" -- has become less interested in his approval since the birth of their 10-month-old twins, Max and Emme.
"She walks in from work, washes her hands and grabs the babies," a longtime friend tells Us. "With him, it's almost like, 'Ugh, they're crying again?'"
Another problem: Lopez -- who once commanded $15 million per film -- "blames Marc for her career going down the tubes," says a mutual pal, adding that she's bitter about the failure of their 2006 drama, El Cantante, which only grossed $7.5 million. (Her 2002 flick Maid in Manhattan earned over $94 million.)
"Jennifer looked around and said, 'This is my life now? I'm a Long Island housewife?'" a pal says. "She hates that everything she worked for went down the tubes."
Lopez isn't the only one with growing resentment toward her husband. Her best friend, Leah Remini, also can't stand him.
"It if was up to her, Leah would just break them up today," a pal says.
Anthony has also been badmouthing his wife. One night after their tense family Thanksgiving in which the couple "didn't sit together," Anthony hit NYC hotspots Bungalow 8 and Marquee, where he was spotted with his hand on a woman's thigh and overheard complaining about his wife to a group of women, "telling them, 'She's making me miserable,'" a source says.
His club spree didn't stop there: The next night, he was photographed by TMZ.com partying sans wedding band with pal Eva Longoria Parker and Russell Crowe in Las Vegas. (A source says, "According to Jennifer, he didn't cheat.")
The pair, who hadn’t been spotted together since Oct. 23 -- and the very public removal of their wedding bands -- had dinner Tuesday at Beverly Hills restaurant Luau, which they left holding hands.
(Lopez is no stranger to shows of strength, though: after she and Ben Affleck called off their first wedding, they had dinner at the paparazzi-laden Ivy restaurant in L.A.)
For more details on Anthony's creepy control issues and how they drive Lopez to tears, pick up the newest issue of Us Weekly, on stands tomorrow.
dayanara torres,
el cantante,
jennifer lopez,
leah remini,
marc anthony,
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Britney & Kevin --- Reunited!!!
Below is an article about Britney & Kevin's current relationship.
Britney Spears Want to Live With Kevin Federline
Britney Spears has asked her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, to move back in with her.
The Womanizer hitmaker - who has sons Sean Preston, 3, and Jayden James, 2, with Kevin - has reportedly decided to give her relationship with the rapper - who currently has full custody of their children - another chance.
A source says, "Kevin has been staying over a lot but I don't think it will be long until they are living together full-time again. They have slipped back into their old relationship really easily.
"Kevin is excited about living with Britney again because he finds it tough being a single dad. She is thrilled because she can have her kids back and a relationship with someone she trusts.
"Britney and Kevin have come to realize they still love each other. They have been seeing a counselor and have drawn up a list of rules so they can improve their relationship.
"When Kevin was with Britney, he spent his days golfing, going on holidays and driving the Ferrari she bought him. But Kevin maintains it's Britney - not her money - he cares about. He is proud of Britney and how well she is now.
"He thinks she is the girl he fell in love with again. He really believes they have a future together."
I'm happy for this news! I had no problems about Kevin before. And Britney really was 'ok' when they were together (no downward-spiralling brouhaha).
Britney Spears Want to Live With Kevin Federline
Britney Spears has asked her ex-husband, Kevin Federline, to move back in with her.
The Womanizer hitmaker - who has sons Sean Preston, 3, and Jayden James, 2, with Kevin - has reportedly decided to give her relationship with the rapper - who currently has full custody of their children - another chance.
A source says, "Kevin has been staying over a lot but I don't think it will be long until they are living together full-time again. They have slipped back into their old relationship really easily.
"Kevin is excited about living with Britney again because he finds it tough being a single dad. She is thrilled because she can have her kids back and a relationship with someone she trusts.
"Britney and Kevin have come to realize they still love each other. They have been seeing a counselor and have drawn up a list of rules so they can improve their relationship.
"When Kevin was with Britney, he spent his days golfing, going on holidays and driving the Ferrari she bought him. But Kevin maintains it's Britney - not her money - he cares about. He is proud of Britney and how well she is now.
"He thinks she is the girl he fell in love with again. He really believes they have a future together."
I'm happy for this news! I had no problems about Kevin before. And Britney really was 'ok' when they were together (no downward-spiralling brouhaha).
britney spears,
kevin federline
Shoe Bush!!!

Apparently, Bush was in Iraq recently & a shoe was thrown at him by an Iraqi reporter (no surprise there!).
And in the link below you can 'shoe Bush' as well.
Have fun!!! ;)
And in the link below you can 'shoe Bush' as well.
Have fun!!! ;)
iraqi reporter,
shoe bush,
shoe bush game
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Philippines' Obama --- definitely not Binay!!! (Puhleez!!!)
Peeping Toms
I discovered this site recently on pep: http://blogs.pep.ph/peepingtoms/
It is a blind item blog w/ illustrations. The illustrations pretty much give away what the blind item is about.
Check out this pic, it really made me laugh so much.
It is a blind item blog w/ illustrations. The illustrations pretty much give away what the blind item is about.
Check out this pic, it really made me laugh so much.

The dog is obviously Jobert Sucaldito, hahahha!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Brad & Angelina --- of the same breed

I read an article of Brad defending Angelina.
Here is the article about Angelina.
Angelina Jolie’s Carefully Orchestrated Image
LOS ANGELES — When Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt negotiated with People and other celebrity magazines this summer for photos of their newborn twins and an interview, the stars were seeking more than the estimated $14 million they received from the deal. They also wanted a hefty slice of journalistic input — a promise that the winning magazine’s coverage would be positive, not merely in that instance but into the future.
According to the deal offered by Ms. Jolie, the winning magazine was obliged to offer coverage that would not reflect negatively on her or her family, according to two people with knowledge of the bidding who were granted anonymity because the talks were confidential. The deal also asked for an “editorial plan” providing a road map of the layout, these people say.
The winner was People. The resulting package in its Aug. 18 issue — the magazine’s best-selling in seven years — was a publicity coup for Ms. Jolie, the Oscar winner and former Hollywood eccentric who wore a necklace ornamented with dried blood and talked about her fondness for knives before transforming herself into a philanthropist, United Nations good-will ambassador and devoted mother of six.
In the People interview, there were questions about her and Mr. Pitt’s charity work and no use of the word “Brangelina,” the tabloid amalgamation of their names, which irks the couple.
Through a spokeswoman, People magazine, which is owned by Time Inc., released a statement denying that any conditions were placed on coverage. “These claims are categorically false,” the statement said. “Like any news organization, People does purchase photos, but the magazine does not determine editorial content based on the demands of outside parties.”
While all celebrities seek to manipulate their public images to one degree or another, Ms. Jolie accomplishes it with a determination, a self-reliance and a degree of success that is particularly notable. The actress does not employ a publicist or an agent. The keys to her public image belong to her alone, although she does rely on her longtime manager, Geyer Kosinski, as a conduit.
Jennifer Lopez, who sold pictures of her twins to People for an estimated $6 million in February, has a team of eight to help her navigate such situations. Ms. Jolie, 33, has her cellphone, a lawyer and Mr. Kosinski (and, of course, the counsel of her partner, Mr. Pitt). Getty Images handled the photography and some negotiations.
“She’s scary smart,” said Bonnie Fuller, the former editor of Us Weekly and Star magazines. “But smart only takes you so far. She also has an amazing knack, perhaps more than any other star, for knowing how to shape a public image.”
Ms. Jolie did not respond to interview requests and neither did Mr. Kosinski. Her lawyer, Robert Offer, declined to comment. But through interviews with nearly two dozen people who have worked directly with her over the years, a picture emerges of how she skillfully works the press.
Ms. Jolie expertly walks a line between known entity and complete mystery, cultivates relationships with friendly reporters and even sets up her own photo shoots for the paparazzi.
Most skillfully, she dictates terms to celebrity magazines involving their coverage of her and her family, editors say, creating an awkward situation for publications that try to abide by strict journalistic standards.
Ms. Jolie showed her skill at handling the news media in other negotiations. People magazine bid successfully for photos and an exclusive interview after she gave birth to her first child in 2006. Those pictures sold for an estimated $4.1 million, a sum that she and Mr. Pitt said they donated to charity.
In a separate 2006 negotiation with People, Ms. Jolie invited magazine editors — through her philanthropic adviser, Trevor Neilson — to bid on exclusive photos of her and her adopted Cambodian son, Maddox. But she made coverage of her charity work part of the deal.
“While Angelina and Brad understand the interest in their family, they also expect that the publications who purchase these photos will use them in a way that also draws attention to the needs of the Cambodian people,” Mr. Neilson wrote in a December 2006 memo to editors.
He went on to promise that Ms. Jolie would provide “exclusive quotes” to the publication that purchased the photos. “Publications are invited to comment on their editorial plans when submitting their bids,” Mr. Neilson wrote.
Time Inc. won the photos, paying an estimated $750,000. In the Jan. 8 issue of People came an article headlined “Angelina Jolie: Mission to Cambodia.” As in other instances, the company paid the money to the photography company, Getty Images, which took its fee and split the rest in payments to companies operated on behalf of Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt. Those companies in turn funneled the money to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.
Mr. Neilson, the president of the Global Philanthropy Group and a former executive at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said, “She is used to sell magazines and newspapers, so part of why we wrote that memo is that we wanted to use the interest in her personal life to influence people to pay attention to important issues. If Angie can use the interest and redirect it, she wants to do that.”
The persona that Ms. Jolie projects on screen tends to be intimidating and physical. She is not the girl next door. She won a supporting actress Oscar in 2000 for “Girl, Interrupted,” in which she played a mental patient.
But more recently, she has emphasized her philanthropic work, and her growing family. Ms. Jolie, with Mr. Pitt, now has a clan of six. There are three adopted children — Maddox, Pax and Zahara — and three biological children: Shiloh and the twins, Knox and Vivienne.
But she cut a very different, wilder figure in Hollywood during her marriage to the actor Billy Bob Thornton. After their divorce in 2003, Us magazine asked Ms. Jolie if she would agree to an interview and be photographed. According to two people involved, she declined — but then offered the magazine another photo opportunity. Ms. Jolie informed it what time and place she would be publicly playing with Maddox, essentially creating a paparazzi shot.
The resulting photo, the origin of which was not made public to Us readers, presented Ms. Jolie in a new light — a young mother unsuccessfully trying to have a private moment with her son.
Shifting the focus is one of Ms. Jolie’s best maneuvers, magazine editors and publicity executives say. When she became romantically involved with Mr. Pitt, for instance, she faced a public relations crisis — being portrayed in the tabloid press as a predator who stole Mr. Pitt from his wife, Jennifer Aniston.
This time, it was Ms. Jolie’s charity work that helped turn the story. Long interested in international humanitarian work, Ms. Jolie appeared in Pakistan, where she visited camps housing Afghan refugees, and even met with President Pervez Musharraf. Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt made a subsequent trip to Kashmir to bring attention to earthquake victims.
“Presto, they come out looking like serious people who have transformed a silly press obsession into a sincere attempt to help the needy,” said Michael Levine, a celebrity publicist and author.
That is cynical nonsense, counters Mr. Neilson.
“People don’t realize the complexity of what Angie is doing,” he said. “A lot of her charity work is done quietly and not in front of the media.”
According to federal filings, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, the entity through which Mr. Neilson says the couple distributes photo money, has given grants of about $2 million since its creation in 2006. Mr. Neilson said that filings run more than a year behind and that the foundation has additional commitments of about $5.6 million that that are being paid as the organizations receiving the funds structure their programs.
Among the grants are $2 million for an AIDS clinic in Ethiopia and $2.6 million to Make It Right, an organization devoted to rebuilding New Orleans, Mr. Neilson said. Smaller grants include $500,000 to groups focused on helping Iraqi schoolchildren.
The New York Times recently ran a feature article about Ms. Jolie; there were no restrictions on access.
Ms. Jolie’s attempts to lasso the media have occasionally backfired. In 2006, when she sought the privacy of Namibia to give birth to Shiloh, the government refused to grant visas to journalists unless they had written permission from the couple. Magazines complained harshly.
More recently, she insisted that journalists at the premiere of “A Mighty Heart,” a movie about the murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, sign an agreement limiting their questions and the use of her answers. In part, the document stated: “The interview may only be used to promote the picture. In no event may interviewer or media outlet be entitled to run all or any portion of the interview in connection with any other story.”
And, “the interview will not be used in a manner that is disparaging, demeaning or derogatory to Ms. Jolie.”
Ms. Jolie blamed an overzealous lawyer for the demand at the time, saying he was “trying to protect me.”
Still, such blunders are rare, and Ms. Jolie’s Q score, a measurement of a star’s likability, has continued to increase. Around the time she won her Oscar, 13 percent of people surveyed viewed her positively, according to Marketing Evaluations Inc. The average rating for female stars is 18 percent.
Today, about 24 percent of respondents view Ms. Jolie positively.
***I couldn't agree more on this article. Angelina is definitely not the person she tells people she is (someone who just follows her gut). She is a controller!
Here is Brad's comment:
"It sounded to me like the story made Angie out to be manipulative in some way," he says. "She is savvy."
He continues, "I get defensive. [They're] talking about not only the woman I love, but one of the people on this planet who I have the greatest respect for. I think she's as honorable as anyone I've ever met."
And below is an anonymous comment I completely agree about.
To idolize people like Angelina and Brad is doing oneself a disservice. Angelina broke up Laura Dern and Billy Bob....becasue she "fell in love" (more like in bed) with him on the set of Pushing Tin. Then she did the same thing with Brad and Jen. And those are the two circumstances we know of. Melanie Griffith was concerned about Angelina when Antonio was filming "Original Sin" with her and Melanie was on the set A LOT. So...it's common knowledge Angelina is a bit of a home wrecker. For Brad to say one, single thing negative about Jennifer Aniston, considering his inexcusable behaviour while they were married, says a lot about who he really is. The Brad and Angelina situation is not ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR...so those who defend them and talk about the do-gooders they are ...you've already lost the debate here. People like Brad and Angelina who have an obscene amount of money for "pretending" for a living (what a joke) and can do good things with it....(because THEY SHOULD) are basically bored. Why not give as much credit to the average person who dedicates much more time and energy to greater causes and who DO NOT have all the money that people like Brad and Angelina have. Those are the people we should admire. Those are the people that matter. Those people are true role models and "givers" from the heart....not the wallet. They don't do it to be politically correct. They do it because it means something to them...because it defines who they are......because they seek NO glory from it. Those are the people that matter and who should be recognized....not people who have too much money with nothing better to do besides cheat, showboat their relationship and act as if they are the authority on "do-gooding" and continue to set a horrible example for the youth of this country. Get real people.
Here is the article about Angelina.
Angelina Jolie’s Carefully Orchestrated Image
LOS ANGELES — When Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt negotiated with People and other celebrity magazines this summer for photos of their newborn twins and an interview, the stars were seeking more than the estimated $14 million they received from the deal. They also wanted a hefty slice of journalistic input — a promise that the winning magazine’s coverage would be positive, not merely in that instance but into the future.
According to the deal offered by Ms. Jolie, the winning magazine was obliged to offer coverage that would not reflect negatively on her or her family, according to two people with knowledge of the bidding who were granted anonymity because the talks were confidential. The deal also asked for an “editorial plan” providing a road map of the layout, these people say.
The winner was People. The resulting package in its Aug. 18 issue — the magazine’s best-selling in seven years — was a publicity coup for Ms. Jolie, the Oscar winner and former Hollywood eccentric who wore a necklace ornamented with dried blood and talked about her fondness for knives before transforming herself into a philanthropist, United Nations good-will ambassador and devoted mother of six.
In the People interview, there were questions about her and Mr. Pitt’s charity work and no use of the word “Brangelina,” the tabloid amalgamation of their names, which irks the couple.
Through a spokeswoman, People magazine, which is owned by Time Inc., released a statement denying that any conditions were placed on coverage. “These claims are categorically false,” the statement said. “Like any news organization, People does purchase photos, but the magazine does not determine editorial content based on the demands of outside parties.”
While all celebrities seek to manipulate their public images to one degree or another, Ms. Jolie accomplishes it with a determination, a self-reliance and a degree of success that is particularly notable. The actress does not employ a publicist or an agent. The keys to her public image belong to her alone, although she does rely on her longtime manager, Geyer Kosinski, as a conduit.
Jennifer Lopez, who sold pictures of her twins to People for an estimated $6 million in February, has a team of eight to help her navigate such situations. Ms. Jolie, 33, has her cellphone, a lawyer and Mr. Kosinski (and, of course, the counsel of her partner, Mr. Pitt). Getty Images handled the photography and some negotiations.
“She’s scary smart,” said Bonnie Fuller, the former editor of Us Weekly and Star magazines. “But smart only takes you so far. She also has an amazing knack, perhaps more than any other star, for knowing how to shape a public image.”
Ms. Jolie did not respond to interview requests and neither did Mr. Kosinski. Her lawyer, Robert Offer, declined to comment. But through interviews with nearly two dozen people who have worked directly with her over the years, a picture emerges of how she skillfully works the press.
Ms. Jolie expertly walks a line between known entity and complete mystery, cultivates relationships with friendly reporters and even sets up her own photo shoots for the paparazzi.
Most skillfully, she dictates terms to celebrity magazines involving their coverage of her and her family, editors say, creating an awkward situation for publications that try to abide by strict journalistic standards.
Ms. Jolie showed her skill at handling the news media in other negotiations. People magazine bid successfully for photos and an exclusive interview after she gave birth to her first child in 2006. Those pictures sold for an estimated $4.1 million, a sum that she and Mr. Pitt said they donated to charity.
In a separate 2006 negotiation with People, Ms. Jolie invited magazine editors — through her philanthropic adviser, Trevor Neilson — to bid on exclusive photos of her and her adopted Cambodian son, Maddox. But she made coverage of her charity work part of the deal.
“While Angelina and Brad understand the interest in their family, they also expect that the publications who purchase these photos will use them in a way that also draws attention to the needs of the Cambodian people,” Mr. Neilson wrote in a December 2006 memo to editors.
He went on to promise that Ms. Jolie would provide “exclusive quotes” to the publication that purchased the photos. “Publications are invited to comment on their editorial plans when submitting their bids,” Mr. Neilson wrote.
Time Inc. won the photos, paying an estimated $750,000. In the Jan. 8 issue of People came an article headlined “Angelina Jolie: Mission to Cambodia.” As in other instances, the company paid the money to the photography company, Getty Images, which took its fee and split the rest in payments to companies operated on behalf of Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt. Those companies in turn funneled the money to the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.
Mr. Neilson, the president of the Global Philanthropy Group and a former executive at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, said, “She is used to sell magazines and newspapers, so part of why we wrote that memo is that we wanted to use the interest in her personal life to influence people to pay attention to important issues. If Angie can use the interest and redirect it, she wants to do that.”
The persona that Ms. Jolie projects on screen tends to be intimidating and physical. She is not the girl next door. She won a supporting actress Oscar in 2000 for “Girl, Interrupted,” in which she played a mental patient.
But more recently, she has emphasized her philanthropic work, and her growing family. Ms. Jolie, with Mr. Pitt, now has a clan of six. There are three adopted children — Maddox, Pax and Zahara — and three biological children: Shiloh and the twins, Knox and Vivienne.
But she cut a very different, wilder figure in Hollywood during her marriage to the actor Billy Bob Thornton. After their divorce in 2003, Us magazine asked Ms. Jolie if she would agree to an interview and be photographed. According to two people involved, she declined — but then offered the magazine another photo opportunity. Ms. Jolie informed it what time and place she would be publicly playing with Maddox, essentially creating a paparazzi shot.
The resulting photo, the origin of which was not made public to Us readers, presented Ms. Jolie in a new light — a young mother unsuccessfully trying to have a private moment with her son.
Shifting the focus is one of Ms. Jolie’s best maneuvers, magazine editors and publicity executives say. When she became romantically involved with Mr. Pitt, for instance, she faced a public relations crisis — being portrayed in the tabloid press as a predator who stole Mr. Pitt from his wife, Jennifer Aniston.
This time, it was Ms. Jolie’s charity work that helped turn the story. Long interested in international humanitarian work, Ms. Jolie appeared in Pakistan, where she visited camps housing Afghan refugees, and even met with President Pervez Musharraf. Ms. Jolie and Mr. Pitt made a subsequent trip to Kashmir to bring attention to earthquake victims.
“Presto, they come out looking like serious people who have transformed a silly press obsession into a sincere attempt to help the needy,” said Michael Levine, a celebrity publicist and author.
That is cynical nonsense, counters Mr. Neilson.
“People don’t realize the complexity of what Angie is doing,” he said. “A lot of her charity work is done quietly and not in front of the media.”
According to federal filings, the Jolie-Pitt Foundation, the entity through which Mr. Neilson says the couple distributes photo money, has given grants of about $2 million since its creation in 2006. Mr. Neilson said that filings run more than a year behind and that the foundation has additional commitments of about $5.6 million that that are being paid as the organizations receiving the funds structure their programs.
Among the grants are $2 million for an AIDS clinic in Ethiopia and $2.6 million to Make It Right, an organization devoted to rebuilding New Orleans, Mr. Neilson said. Smaller grants include $500,000 to groups focused on helping Iraqi schoolchildren.
The New York Times recently ran a feature article about Ms. Jolie; there were no restrictions on access.
Ms. Jolie’s attempts to lasso the media have occasionally backfired. In 2006, when she sought the privacy of Namibia to give birth to Shiloh, the government refused to grant visas to journalists unless they had written permission from the couple. Magazines complained harshly.
More recently, she insisted that journalists at the premiere of “A Mighty Heart,” a movie about the murdered Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, sign an agreement limiting their questions and the use of her answers. In part, the document stated: “The interview may only be used to promote the picture. In no event may interviewer or media outlet be entitled to run all or any portion of the interview in connection with any other story.”
And, “the interview will not be used in a manner that is disparaging, demeaning or derogatory to Ms. Jolie.”
Ms. Jolie blamed an overzealous lawyer for the demand at the time, saying he was “trying to protect me.”
Still, such blunders are rare, and Ms. Jolie’s Q score, a measurement of a star’s likability, has continued to increase. Around the time she won her Oscar, 13 percent of people surveyed viewed her positively, according to Marketing Evaluations Inc. The average rating for female stars is 18 percent.
Today, about 24 percent of respondents view Ms. Jolie positively.
***I couldn't agree more on this article. Angelina is definitely not the person she tells people she is (someone who just follows her gut). She is a controller!
Here is Brad's comment:
"It sounded to me like the story made Angie out to be manipulative in some way," he says. "She is savvy."
He continues, "I get defensive. [They're] talking about not only the woman I love, but one of the people on this planet who I have the greatest respect for. I think she's as honorable as anyone I've ever met."
And below is an anonymous comment I completely agree about.
To idolize people like Angelina and Brad is doing oneself a disservice. Angelina broke up Laura Dern and Billy Bob....becasue she "fell in love" (more like in bed) with him on the set of Pushing Tin. Then she did the same thing with Brad and Jen. And those are the two circumstances we know of. Melanie Griffith was concerned about Angelina when Antonio was filming "Original Sin" with her and Melanie was on the set A LOT. So...it's common knowledge Angelina is a bit of a home wrecker. For Brad to say one, single thing negative about Jennifer Aniston, considering his inexcusable behaviour while they were married, says a lot about who he really is. The Brad and Angelina situation is not ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR...so those who defend them and talk about the do-gooders they are ...you've already lost the debate here. People like Brad and Angelina who have an obscene amount of money for "pretending" for a living (what a joke) and can do good things with it....(because THEY SHOULD) are basically bored. Why not give as much credit to the average person who dedicates much more time and energy to greater causes and who DO NOT have all the money that people like Brad and Angelina have. Those are the people we should admire. Those are the people that matter. Those people are true role models and "givers" from the heart....not the wallet. They don't do it to be politically correct. They do it because it means something to them...because it defines who they are......because they seek NO glory from it. Those are the people that matter and who should be recognized....not people who have too much money with nothing better to do besides cheat, showboat their relationship and act as if they are the authority on "do-gooding" and continue to set a horrible example for the youth of this country. Get real people.
Heels or no Heels??!

Oh my gosh, I can't imagine the pain these stars are willing to go through just to get noticed!
And how does Posh stand? Does she have to lean on David all the time?
And how does Posh stand? Does she have to lean on David all the time?
anne hathaway,
david beckham,
sarah jessica,
sarah jessica parker
Monday, December 8, 2008
Chris Tiu is not human!

Ok, ok, I know I had a previous post where I was wondering if Chris Tiu was gay. But after I read an article (& more, since it got me interested so I googled more) about him I want to redeem myself. I mean, I don't care anymore what his gender is. Besides, even if he is gay I don't think he'd ever practice it, as I've read, he's a very religious guy. And if you know everything about him (& you probably do 'coz I'm delayed sa balita, especially in local showbiz & basketball, 2 topics I don't really care about), you probably really wouldn't mind his sexuality, considering all that he is about.
Ok, the title, the title of this post is not a negative ok? I mean it in a positive way, like, he's not like the rest of us. Consider all these stuffs I've read about him:
1. He graduated Management Engineering in 2007 (ok, in another article I read it was Management Economics, but it doesn't really matter does it? I think --- though I'm not really sure --- these are 'hard' courses in Ateneo --- although I know someone na Management Eco grad dun who worked in a callcenter 'coz he can't find another job, anyways, this is already 'too much' for a 'typical' baller, I mean, I know from LaSalle, since I went there in college, I did have a barkada who has a baller for a bf, she told she's not really looking into any future w/ him, because he doesn't plan on graduating, & all the ballers, she said, are like that, when they are finished playing in the UAAP, they'll just drop out of school, they have no intention of finishing, I know as well as I've had classmates who are ballers --- basket players --- & they rarely show up in class, once in a blue moon lang...I also had close friends na UAAP players --- o diba, dami ko friends pero I still don't watch basket --- & same din, they really don't take their studies seriously --- so Chris Tiu is definitely a cut above the rest --- or are Ateneans just like that?)
2. He is currently finishing his second major in Applied Math and Finance, with a minor in Chinese Studies (ok, so he is on his 2nd course! My gosh, I'm not really sure as well if mahirap itong course na toh but I heard that BS Math in LaSalle is hard, & they get really good jobs afterwards, I also heard other Ateneo players graduate in college & take MBA to continue playing for the UAAP --- I heard this from news as well as from classmates in Ateneo --- I took MBA there, although 'chicken' lang talaga MBA dun, hahaha! Anyways, Chris Tiu is different kc nga he's on his 2nd course, & of course, so much different from other basket players!)
3. He was elected barangay kagawad in Urdaneta Village, Makati City after his term as Sangguniang Kabataan chairman for five years. (oh my gosh, another thing he's doing w/ his life, where does he find the time? 'yung ibang basket players nga they will justify their shortcomings on academics, or on dropping out of school, because of basket, pero this guy, super dami & he can handle!)
4. He has a business called Chinky Chicken, which sells rice chicken meals in Ateneo and neighboring Miriam College campus. (I'm speechless!)
5. He plans to pursue his MBA abroad and start his own restaurant business. (Ok now this is the biggest plus for me, his life does not revolve around basketball, also read he's not yet decided on pursuing the PBA because it's only temporary, so smart! Unlike others who think that basket is their world! He knows what's important!)
6. He is working on a foundation together with Ateneo’s Center for Education Development, to provide scholarships and help schools set up their curriculum. (ok, I'm not a fan of charity except for those helping educate children --- because for me charity is 'enabling' yung katamaran or other negative na pag-uugali ng mga tao, but, if it's for children, & education, I'm all for it, education is the foundation of a good future)
Ayan, syempre busy pa sya sa ibang bagay like his blog & hosting job, but his story inspires me, as in super good role model sya, buti na lang nagchampion sila at sumikat sya!
Good luck Chris! When I read about you sabi ko I wanted to meet you at hingan ka ng advise sa mga problema ko sa buhay, haha! I don't have a crush on you (kc type ko mga maiitim at mga tamad mag-aral, hahaha!) but sana pag nagkaanak ako katulad mu :) Medyo nadepress din ako kc parang compared to Chris sinasayang ko ang buhay & talents na binigay ni Lord, wala akong ginawa kundi matulog! Hahaha! At plan ko pala na pag may anak na 'ko d ako papayag mag-basket sya, dapat concentrate sa studies (pangarap ko magkaron ng mga anak na super mag-excel sa academics & makapag-aral sa Ivy League schools or MIT! --- wala nga lang akong pang-tuition!), pero I realized 'nasa tao talaga un' baka sabihan pa ko ng anak ko "anong akala mu sakin mommy, bobs? kaya ko un ipagsabay no!", ok basta dapat dean's lister sya at hindi walang kwenta ang course (like sports & recreation management??? hahaha!)
Ok, the title, the title of this post is not a negative ok? I mean it in a positive way, like, he's not like the rest of us. Consider all these stuffs I've read about him:
1. He graduated Management Engineering in 2007 (ok, in another article I read it was Management Economics, but it doesn't really matter does it? I think --- though I'm not really sure --- these are 'hard' courses in Ateneo --- although I know someone na Management Eco grad dun who worked in a callcenter 'coz he can't find another job, anyways, this is already 'too much' for a 'typical' baller, I mean, I know from LaSalle, since I went there in college, I did have a barkada who has a baller for a bf, she told she's not really looking into any future w/ him, because he doesn't plan on graduating, & all the ballers, she said, are like that, when they are finished playing in the UAAP, they'll just drop out of school, they have no intention of finishing, I know as well as I've had classmates who are ballers --- basket players --- & they rarely show up in class, once in a blue moon lang...I also had close friends na UAAP players --- o diba, dami ko friends pero I still don't watch basket --- & same din, they really don't take their studies seriously --- so Chris Tiu is definitely a cut above the rest --- or are Ateneans just like that?)
2. He is currently finishing his second major in Applied Math and Finance, with a minor in Chinese Studies (ok, so he is on his 2nd course! My gosh, I'm not really sure as well if mahirap itong course na toh but I heard that BS Math in LaSalle is hard, & they get really good jobs afterwards, I also heard other Ateneo players graduate in college & take MBA to continue playing for the UAAP --- I heard this from news as well as from classmates in Ateneo --- I took MBA there, although 'chicken' lang talaga MBA dun, hahaha! Anyways, Chris Tiu is different kc nga he's on his 2nd course, & of course, so much different from other basket players!)
3. He was elected barangay kagawad in Urdaneta Village, Makati City after his term as Sangguniang Kabataan chairman for five years. (oh my gosh, another thing he's doing w/ his life, where does he find the time? 'yung ibang basket players nga they will justify their shortcomings on academics, or on dropping out of school, because of basket, pero this guy, super dami & he can handle!)
4. He has a business called Chinky Chicken, which sells rice chicken meals in Ateneo and neighboring Miriam College campus. (I'm speechless!)
5. He plans to pursue his MBA abroad and start his own restaurant business. (Ok now this is the biggest plus for me, his life does not revolve around basketball, also read he's not yet decided on pursuing the PBA because it's only temporary, so smart! Unlike others who think that basket is their world! He knows what's important!)
6. He is working on a foundation together with Ateneo’s Center for Education Development, to provide scholarships and help schools set up their curriculum. (ok, I'm not a fan of charity except for those helping educate children --- because for me charity is 'enabling' yung katamaran or other negative na pag-uugali ng mga tao, but, if it's for children, & education, I'm all for it, education is the foundation of a good future)
Ayan, syempre busy pa sya sa ibang bagay like his blog & hosting job, but his story inspires me, as in super good role model sya, buti na lang nagchampion sila at sumikat sya!
Good luck Chris! When I read about you sabi ko I wanted to meet you at hingan ka ng advise sa mga problema ko sa buhay, haha! I don't have a crush on you (kc type ko mga maiitim at mga tamad mag-aral, hahaha!) but sana pag nagkaanak ako katulad mu :) Medyo nadepress din ako kc parang compared to Chris sinasayang ko ang buhay & talents na binigay ni Lord, wala akong ginawa kundi matulog! Hahaha! At plan ko pala na pag may anak na 'ko d ako papayag mag-basket sya, dapat concentrate sa studies (pangarap ko magkaron ng mga anak na super mag-excel sa academics & makapag-aral sa Ivy League schools or MIT! --- wala nga lang akong pang-tuition!), pero I realized 'nasa tao talaga un' baka sabihan pa ko ng anak ko "anong akala mu sakin mommy, bobs? kaya ko un ipagsabay no!", ok basta dapat dean's lister sya at hindi walang kwenta ang course (like sports & recreation management??? hahaha!)
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