Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Ask Khloe About Diets? Wrong person!

Here is an article I read from Khloe Kardashian's blog. She tries to answer readers' questions. This one is about dieting...


How is your diet going? I am on a diet as well and I think it's so hard to stay on the wagon. Do you have any advice for us slackers and what is the best way to get right back on the diet wagon if ya fall off? My last question is: What are some of your favorite perfumes? Thanks doll love ya -Tyiana I love your name Tyiana. Anyway, hey momma! I hope I can help you or at least make you feel better. Now we all slack off at times with diets and we all fall off the wagon, especially around the Holidays, so do not feel bad. Weight and body health is going to be a battle that you have every single day of your life. Even if you are they way you want to be, you need to fight to stay there, so try to not be so hard on yourself. Give yourself cheat days every so often so you will not binge and go out of control.I try to work out at least 5 times a week. I love muscle definition, I do not like the typical skinny body, so I personally like to work on muscle and stay thicker. But you have to lose or gain weight for what you want your body to look like. I also try to not eat any white carbs. I still eat carbs but just the good carbs. Honey I have tried it all and I think I have finally found an equal balance that works well with my body and still makes me feel like I am enjoying my life. Do what is best for you! Do not deprive yourself of the things that make you happy. It is all about moderation baby. So stick to your diet and try to work out more if you feel like you overdid it with the food. Working out always makes me feel amazing and it gets my days off to a great start. I am very proud that you are trying to make yourself a better you! Work it out sista!

She gave a really cool answer, but really, why ask someone who's fat about dieting???

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