Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight vs. Harry Potter

I recently found out that the lead man of twilight was also in a Harry Potter movie. And guess who asked me? My mum! She asked me which character he was on HP. I was surprised & said, "oh, the one that died (you know, Cedrick Diggory)." Now, after a day of knowing, I'm getting more & more interested w/ this guy & I dunno why. I wasn't excited to see the movie, you know, I don't like scary movies. I wouldn't want to go through w/ the discomfort of getting scared at night & not being able to sleep! But now, I dunno. I really dunno. I never liked him in the HP movie either. I thought he was boring. I mean, he looks 'perfect' but, I don't really like guys like that. I was 'gaga' over the guy who played Viktor Krum (I like bad boy types & 'kalbo' types). Hey, I'd even take Harry Potter himself over such a boring Mr. Perfect.

Wala lang...

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Movie

Ok, the latest HP movie was supposed to be shown today (at least in the U.S.) but producers decided to move again to...July!!! WTF!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Brian Gorrell on Urban Dictionary

From Urban Dictionary.

I don't really agree w/ the meaning. Should be more like:

1. To be a victim of a social-climbing, jealous gay
2. To be a victim of an ex who can't get over
3. To be a victim of someone who's a fame-whore

Paris & Benji Madden Split

So Paris & Benji have finally split. No surprise. Paris must be over her phase of wanting the twin of her bff's man. She must be over her fantasy of being a loyal partner to a simple guy. She just can't go to where Nicole is now. Nicole's party days are over, she's becoming more & more like a real mum, wife...Paris is now over that desire, moving on to the next.

No surprise here. Paris was recently seen flirting w/ one of her ex's Stavros.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Scared of Happiness

Whatever happened to Alicia Silverstone???

Well, here she is now folks. Looking more like she's living on the streets than ever!

Remember when she was the 'it' girl right after the Clueless movie? Well, she didn't handle fame very well did she?

She seems to be weird based on her interviews, her opinions, etc.. I guess that brings a person down, I guess, in society's standards. Sometimes some people are just plain psychos. Oh no, I'm not just talking about her but about myself as well. There are times when life just seems so perfect, when you just have everything, & yet, it bores you out of your wits! I remember days when I 'leave' the most popular barkada in school just because I felt like it. You know, when you have it all, you just want to push that 'all' away. Maybe some people are just like that. I hope I've already changed though.

Already seen 'The Women'? Meg Ryan's character said something like "I believe we can have it all but the question is, do we want it all? Not me." To w/c Anette Bening's character agreed (ok, I'm too lazy to check if her name is spelled correctly ok???). Anyways, something like, people who are too scared of success, I dunno. Just some thoughts...

Jeepney Drivers have no Brains!!!

Need I say more???

Tyra: Everyday is Judgment Day

I had a chat w/ 2 of my friends about Oprah's career or show w/c is cooling down in the last couple of years. They said they felt that Oprah has changed, that she has become judgmental, w/c is why they (& they think other people as well) refrained from watching the show. I'm kinda surprised. If there is one talk show host (or 1 celebrity at all!) who is judgmental, it would be Tyra Banks, as shown everyday on the Tyra Banks show. I pity all her guests. Why do they even go there? Ok, they have their own reasons, popularity, career, exposure, whatever! But they put themselves & their images on the line. Tyra is little Miss Perfect (or, at least she thinks she is...or make that 'Huge' Miss Perfect!). Tyra is just gonna go on throughout her show condemnning her guests, whichever side she's on! She'll never listen to anyone. No wonder she's going to old maid 'dom! And is she a good judge? Hell no! Any winner from AMTM ever made it big? Hell no! No one w/ talent could ever win on that show! What you have to do to win Tyra's heart as the next top (???) model is to be as geeky & awkward as ever!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Interesting Facts

I came across below site. It was funny, especially the comments...

INTERESTING FACTS 1. If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it) 2. If you fart consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that's more like it) 3. A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes. (In my next life I want to be a pig) (How'd they figure this out, and why?) 4. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Still can't get over that pig thing) (Don't try this at home...maybe at work?) 5. Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (Is that why Flipper was always smiling?) (And pigs get 30-minute orgasms? Doesn't seem fair) 6. The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmmmmm........) 7. Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people do. (If you're ambidextrous do you split the difference?) 8. The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. (From drinking little bottles of...?) (Did taxpayers pay for this research??) 9. Polar bears are left handed. (Who knew....? Who cares? How'd they find out, did they ask them?) 10. The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What can be so tasty on the bottom of the pond?) 11. The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It's like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes...can you imagine?? And why pigs?) 12. A cockroach will live nine days without it's head, before it starves to death. (Creepy) 13. The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the male's head off. (Honey, I'm home. What the....) (Well, at least pigs get a break there...) 14. Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (In my next life I still want to be a pig ... quality over quantity) 15. Butterflies taste with their feet. (Oh, Geez) (That's almost as bad as catfish) 16. An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain. (I know some people like that.) 17. Starfish don't have brains. (I know some people like that too.)

Below is a continuation of his post. Lemme try commenting myself ;)Interesting Facts II 1. Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there. 2. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. 3. The liquid inside young coconuts can be used as substitute for blood plasma. 4. No piece of paper can be folded in half more than 7 times. 5. Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes. 6. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television. 7. Oak trees do not produce acorns until they are fifty years of age or older. 8. The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum. 9. The king of hearts is the only king without a mustache. 10. A Boeing 747s wingspan is longer than the Wright brother's first flight. 11. American Airlines saved $40,000 in 1987 by eliminating 1 olive from each salad served in first-class. 12. Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise. 13. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning. 14. The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets. 15. Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin. 16. The first owner of the Marlboro Company died of lung cancer. 17. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined. 18. Marilyn Monroe had six toes. (rumor) 19. All US Presidents have worn glasses. Some just didn't like being seen wearing them in public. 20. Walt Disney was afraid of mice. 21. Pearls melt in vinegar. 22. Thirty-five percent of the people who use personal ads for dating are already married. 23. The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro, Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. 24. It is possible to lead a cow upstairs...but not downstairs. 25. A duck's quack doesn't echo and no one knows why. (Or does it? 26. The reason firehouses have circular stairways is from the days when the engines were pulled by horses. The horses were stabled on the ground floor and figured out how to walk up straight staircases. 27. Richard Millhouse Nixon was the first US president whose name contains all the letters from the word 'criminal.' The second was William Jefferson Clinton. 28. Turtles can breathe through their butts. 29. Butterflies taste with their feet. 30. In 10 minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all of the world's nuclear weapons combined. 31. On average, 100 people choke to death on ball-point pens every year. 32. On average people fear spiders more than they do death. 33. Ninety percent of New York City cabbies are recently arrived immigrants. 34. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump. 35. Only one person in two billion will live to be 116 or older. 36. Women blink nearly twice as much as men. 37. It's physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. (or can you? 38. The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. 39. A snail can sleep for three years. 40. No word in the English language rhymes with 'MONTH.' 41. Average life span of a major league baseball: 7 pitches. 42. Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing. SCARY!!! 43. The electric chair was invented by a dentist. 44. All polar bears are left handed. 45. In ancient Egypt, priests plucked EVERY hair from their bodies, including their eyebrows and eyelashes. 46. An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain. 47. TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard. 48. 'Go', is the shortest complete sentence in the English language. 49. If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall. Barbie's full name is Barbara Millicent Roberts. 50. A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. 51. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match. 52. Almost everyone who reads this will try to lick their elbow.

Separated at Birth

Couldn't really understand how they are considered a fashion couple...

But then again, must be just because of their fame!

Couldn't agree more w/ Perez Hilton!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Angelina Jolie Hopes to 'Fade Away' from Movies

I really hope she becomes successful...

I really don't like watching bitches, ho's, homewreckers...

Hope she can fade away really soon like Regine Velasquez...Regine who???

Friday, November 14, 2008

Listen to your Body

I was pondering on this topic (Listening to your body) & have researched some articles.

Below are the ones I found. My personal comments are on *(asterisks).

Our body is in constant communication with us – we just need to pay better attention to its messages that steer us towards joy and aliveness. The non-verbal communication of our Inner Self can appear as an intuitive hunch that might urge us to take an overdue vacation or spend some time outdoors. Sometimes a dream can catch our attention leaving us wondering how it relates to our waking life. Other times the Inner Self communicates through a tension headache, chronic back pain or an upset stomach.

*Note that I did see a show on National Geographic regarding Chess Masters. The show said that the intuition is actually real. It is not intuition per se but our brains restore data from past experiences. When we react to situations intuitively it is actually based on recorded past experiences on our brain, what has worked or not worked before. This is why when we watch chess masters they are very quick on moving the pieces. They do not think on their next move. The chess pieces' positions are already stored on their brains from past games & so their brain gives them a signal what move should work for the current game being played

None of these non-verbal messages occur by chance. They are messages from our Inner Self helping us to arrive at the insight or experience that we need to regain balance and wholeness. By listening closely to these hunches, feelings, dreams, pains, and other body signals we learn to understand these messages. Valuing these messages allows us to build a loving and trusting relationship with our Inner Self.

Unfortunately we don’t know how to listen to our bodies, our hearts, or our spirits. In our western culture we have been conditioned by our parents, teachers and authority figures to deny our feelings, medicate our symptoms, and discount the importance of our dreams and intuition. Since we have been so consistently trained to look outside ourselves for logical answers from authority figures, the Inner Self is ignored. If we ignore these subtle messages we receive continually from our bodies, in the long run we may end up getting sick or developing chronic pain without a clinical explanation.

*I have one contradiction on this. Lately I have found how so much useful denying one's feelings is. For example, why cry over spilt milk? There is nothing you can do, so just don't feel those regrets & anger anymore. Personally, an attitude like that left me more alive & eliminated wasting my time on worries & useless problems. Also, doesn't it always say that a person who is healthy emotionally is someone who can control his/her feelings?

*Personally I never go to the doctor or drink medicines as long as I can still tolerate whatever I am feeling. This is because I believe that all medicines (& even vitamins) have side effects. The only time I will risk having another disease (caused from the side effect) is when my current disease is intolerable anymore. Also, I can consider going to the doctor but if he gives me another remedy that is not medicinal then I would take that, & I would only take medicines when I really need them. Of course, antibiotics need to be completely finished, else, they won't work!

*Personally as well, I trust myself more than the doctors. It is I who feels what I feel. It is I who is present at all times in whatever I do. It is I who can eventually determine what is causing my sickness.

The process of listening to our Inner Self can be simple once we know how and if we value the signals we receive. It can also be frightening at first to open up to feelings we have avoided for years, but reconnecting to our Inner Self is worth any effort. As with any meaningful relationship, it takes time and consistent effort to build the relationship with our Inner Self and to learn to trust the feedback.

Some of the things we can do to tap into the wisdom of our Inner Self:

- Create moments of quiet time either during a morning meditation, a solitary walk in nature, or just before falling asleep at night, and ask your Inner Self: “What is my body saying to me?”

- Ask your dreams at night, “What might I need to see clearly now?” or “What in my life am I not paying attention to right now?”

- Keep a dream journal and write down your dreams when you awake. Use the dream images to do some drawing or sculpting and see what emotions arise. Ask the images what messages they have for you.

- If you have chronic pain, sit quietly and relax into a meditative state and ask your Inner Self ”What might my body be saying to me through this pain?”. Focus on your breathing and listen for a word, a feeling sense, or an image to come to mind.

- At times it might also be helpful to merely focus on the pain. Rather than avoiding, resisting, or denying it, try to befriend it instead. By letting your attention rest directly on the pain in a soft, non-judgmental way, you can begin to notice its inner qualities. What sensations are there? Is it throbbing, pinching, pulling, dull aching, or burning? Often if we have the courage to get to know all aspects of our pain it diminishes its grip and decreases in intensity.

Focusing directly on our symptoms and pain is the opposite of how most of us respond to illness, which is to avoid it. By changing the way we view our illness or pain, we can begin to see our symptoms as a potential ally. Opening to the negative feelings and painful sensations by simply accepting what is true in the body, allows healing to occur within the Inner Self. This permission to feel whatever is present creates a sense of freedom inside, and allows us to look at feelings of justified anger or repressed shame and grief that are carried in the body from past experiences. The body remembers and the Inner Self guides us to the areas that need healing.

Learning to listen to your Inner Self and its messages is a gift not a distraction that needs to be medicated away. This relationship with your Inner Self is potentially the most loving relationship you will ever experience.
Taking the time to properly listen to your own body is one of the most important natural health self-help tools available. Yet, many of us do not take the time to listen to what our own bodies are trying to tell us. Macho people wrongly think that the objective is to inflect as much self-abuse as possible without complaining.
Highlights of Listening To Your Body:
Listening to your body is an important self-help tool that is worth developing.
Do you know what is normal for your own body?
Macho people excel at ignoring important warning signs when they continue to abuse their own bodies rather than listening when their body starts complaining.
Sudden radical changes in your body could be important enough to be worth discussing with a qualified health care professional.
When you are sick, listening to your body means finding out why you got sick.
The Natural Health Perspective is not a medical web site. It is a site on health that offers evidenced-based commonsense solutions that will improve your health, wellness, and longevity. Therefore, no attempt will be made to list specific warning signs of medical emergencies since there are scores of medical sites offering that approach.
Sure we all listen, when our bodies tell us it is time to go to the bathroom and snack when we are hungry. And, we all know when are experiencing a bad day. But, many people are ignoring important messages being sent to them by their bodies. Are you sensitive to what your body is saying, when your body starts to complain, or are you totally numb to these bodily sensations?
The basic premise of this web site is that if you provide your body with what it needs, it will naturally heal itself. Likewise, when you are doing something wrong that your body does not like; your body will complain about it. Are you listening?
"Unless you learn to notice and be bothered by the early, subtle stages of illness, you will lose your chances of managing your body through its changing cycles by simple means and will find yourself more and more dependent on outside practitioners and the costly interventions of modern hospital medicine."
-- Spontaneous Healing by Andrew Weil, MD
You should become more aware of what is normal for your own body, so that you can hear your body complaining when something goes wrong. Are you listening to your body? We all have aches and pains, but what is unusual, what is different should motivate us to find out what a strange new feeling, sensation, or whatever, might be about. Anything that you may be experiencing which feels different to you could be important enough to be worth discussing with a qualified health care provider of your choice.
You listen to your body by focusing on what you are doing, throughout the day. Many people call this being centered. The practices of meditation helps people to become more centered and live for the moment rather than always for the future.
When you come down with a headache, for example, you should be able to make a connection between your behavior and your headache. How many times have you just automatically reached for a OTC drug pain reliever when you got a headache? But, have you ever asked yourself what might have caused that headache in the first place? Have you ever observed, how often you get headaches? Could it be related to what you ate or drunk? Have you ever observed on what days of the week you usually get headaches?
In other words, healthy people are healthy rather than sick. And, when a healthy person gets sick it is because they did something wrong. So, when you get a headache something went wrong. And, it is your job to figure out what that something might have been. Correct, the problem and you should not get that type of a headache again.
There are many opportunities to increase your sensitivity to, and awareness of, the true needs of your body. These include when to be active and when to rest, when to sleep and when to get out of bed, when to work and when to relax and enjoy yourself. There is more than one way to listen to your body. Periodically, measuring your body weight, waist size, body temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate are objective ways of listening to your body. The list of opportunities for listening to your body is quite long. Listening with greater interest should be part of any program of natural healing and health.
When you have symptoms, treat them with OTC medicine if you must, but also learn to ask yourself what those symptoms might mean. Do they indicate that there is something more serious that should be investigated? In natural health this is called a constitutional imbalance, while conventional medicine refers to them as underlying disease processes which if left untreated could lead to a serious lifestyle disease. Are your symptoms telling you that you are an experiencing a medical emergency? Or, do they mean that you should simply slow down or alter your lifestyle in some way?
Learning to answer these challenging questions is a part of dealing with the problems of living a good life.
In conclusion: everybody must decide for themselves, including physicians, when something is wrong, and whether or not it is a medical emergency. The natural health way of doing this is called listening to your own body. Find out what is normal for you. And, learn to recognize when your body starts to complain.

I've Never Been to Me

I've Never Been to Me is one of my most favorite songs. The lyrics are so great & true! See below.

I've Never Been To Me
( Charlene )Hey lady, you lady, cursing at your lifeYou're a discontented mother and a regimented wifeI've no doubt you dream about the things you'll never doBut, I wish someone had talked to meLike I wanna talk to you.....Oh, I've been to Georgia and California and anywhere I could runI took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sunBut I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be freeI've been to paradise but I've never been to mePlease lady, please lady, don't just walk away'Cause I have this need to tell you why I'm all alone todayI can see so much of me still living in your eyesWon't you share a part of a weary heart that has lived million lies....Oh, I've been to Niece and the Isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yachtI've moved like Harlow in Monte Carlo and showed 'em what I've gotI've been undressed by kings and I've seen some things that a woman ain't supposed to seeI've been to paradise, but I've never been to me[spoken]Hey, you know what paradise is?It's a lie, a fantasy we create about people and places as we'd like them to beBut you know what truth is?It's that little baby you're holding, it's that man you fought with this morningThe same one you're going to make love with tonightThat's truth, that's love......Sometimes I've been to crying for unborn children that might have made me completeBut I took the sweet life, I never knew I'd be bitter from the sweetI've spent my life exploring the subtle whoring that costs too much to be freeHey lady......I've been to paradise, (I've been to paradise) But I've never been to me(I've been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run)I've been to paradise, never been to me(I've been to Neice and the isle of Greece while I've sipped champagne on a yacht)I've been to paradise, never been to me(I've been to cryin' for unborn children that might have made me complete)I've been to paradise, never been to me(I've been to Georgia and California, and anywhere I could run)I've been to paradise, never been to me

Researching about the songs meaning re-assured me of my choices in life. To always choose love instead of money, looks, or fame. To always think of what makes me happy & not what other people would say. To always trust my choices & not get swayed by what society seem to give wrong value on.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Boredom vs. Satisfaction

I have found that I am getting too bored w/ life recently. I was thinking it has something to do w/ satisfaction. You see, I am at a point in my life where I am completely satisfied. Anyways, the only aspects of my life I consider are my lovelife & my career (& I mean professional career). And right now I can say that I am satisfied at both. I was thinking this might be the reason that I am getting bored. Because it feels like I have nothing more to strive for, I am satisfied.

And so I searched the net for any article. I'm quite surprised there's actually almost none.

Here is one article I found though:

Chapter 6 'BOREDOM'
Jiddu Krishnamurti quote

She said she had always been active in one way or another, either with her children, or in social affairs, or in sports; but behind this activity there was always boredom, pressing and constant. She was bored with the routine of life, with pleasure, pain, flattery, and everything else. Boredom was like a cloud that had hung over her life for as long as she could remember. She had tried to escape from it, but every new interest soon became a further boredom, a deadly weariness. She had read a great deal, and had had the usual turmoils of family life, but through it all there was this weary boredom. It had nothing to do with her health, for she was very well.Why do you think you get bored? Is it the outcome of some frustration, of some fundamental desire which has been thwarted?"Not especially. There have been some superficial obstructions, but they have never bothered me; or when they have, I have met them fairly intelligently and have never been stumped by them. I don't think my trouble is frustration, for I have always been able to get what I want. I haven't cried for the moon, and have been sensible in my demands; but there has nevertheless been this sense of boredom with everything, with my family and with my work."What do you mean by boredom? Do you mean dissatisfaction? Is it that nothing has given you complete satisfaction?"It isn't quite that. I am as dissatisfied as any normal person, but I have been able to reconcile myself to the inevitable dissatisfactions."What are you interested in? Is there any deep interest in your life?"Not especially. If I had a deep interest I would never be bored. I am naturally an enthusiastic person, I assure you, and if I had an interest I wouldn't easily let it go. I have had many intermittent interests, but they have all led in the end to this cloud of boredom."What do you mean by interest? Why is there this change from interest to boredom? What does interest mean? You are interested in that which pleases you, gratifies you, are you not? Is not interest a process of acquisitiveness? You would not be interested in anything if you did not get something out of it, would you? There is sustained interest as long as you are acquiring; acquisition is interest, is it not? You have tried to gain satisfaction from every thing you have come in contact with; and when you have thoroughly used it, naturally you get bored with it. Every acquisition is a form of boredom, weariness. We want a change of toys; as soon as we lose interest in one, we turn to another, and there is always a new toy to turn to. We turn to something in order to acquire; there is acquisition in pleasure, in knowledge, in fame, in power, in efficiency, in having a family, and so on. When there is nothing further to acquire in one religion, in one saviour, we lose interest and turn to another. Some go to sleep in an organization and never wake up, and those who do wake up put them selves to sleep again by joining another. This acquisitive movement is called expansion of thought, progress."Is interest always acquisition?"Actually, are you interested in anything which doesn't give you something, whether it be a play, a game, a conversation, a book, or a person? If a painting doesn't give you something, you pass it by; if a person doesn't stimulate or disturb you in some way, if there is no pleasure or pain in a particular relationship, you lose interest, you get bored. Haven't you noticed this?"Yes, but I have never before looked at it in this way."You wouldn't have come here if you didn't want something. You want to be free of boredom. As I cannot give you that freedom, you will get bored again; but if we can together understand the process of acquisition, of interest, of boredom, then perhaps there will be freedom. Freedom cannot be acquired. If you acquire it, you will soon be bored with it. Does not acquisition dull the mind? Acquisition, positive or negative, is a burden. As soon as you acquire you lose interest. In trying to possess, you are alert, interested; but possession is boredom. You may want to possess more, but the pursuit of more is only a movement towards boredom. You try various forms of acquisition, and as long as there is the effort to acquire, there is interest; but there is always an end to acquisition, and so there is always boredom. Isn't this what has been happening?"I suppose it is, but I haven't grasped the full significance of it."That will come presently.Possessions make the mind weary. Acquisition, whether of knowledge, of property, of virtue, makes for insensitivity. The nature of the mind is to acquire, to absorb, is it not? Or rather,the pattern it has created for itself is one of gathering in; and in that very activity the mind is preparing its own weariness, boredom. Interest, curiosity, is the beginning of acquisition, which soon becomes boredom; and the urge to be free from boredom is another form of possession. So the mind goes from boredom to interest to boredom again, till it is utterly weary; and these successive waves of interest and weariness are regarded as existence."But how is one to be free from acquiring without further acquisition?"Only by allowing the truth of the whole process of acquisition to be experienced, and not by trying to be non-acquisitive, detached. To be non-acquisitive is another form of acquisition which soon becomes wearisome. The difficulty, if one may use that word, lies, not in the verbal understanding of what has been said, but in experiencing the false as the false. To see the truth in the false is the beginning of wisdom. The difficulty is for the mind to be still; for the mind is always worried, it is always after something, acquiring or denying, searching and finding. The mind is never still, it is in continuous movement. The past, over shadowing the present, makes its own future. It is a movement in time, and there is hardly ever an interval between thoughts. One thought follows another without a pause; the mind is ever making itself sharp and so wearing itself out. If a pencil is being sharpened all the time, soon there will be nothing left of it; similarly, the mind uses itself constantly and is exhausted. The mind is always afraid of coming to an end. But, living is ending from day to day; it is the dying to all acquisition, to memories, to experiences, to the past. How can there be living if there is experience?Experience is knowledge, memory; and is memory the state of experiencing? In the state of experiencing, is there memory as the experiencer? The purgation of the mind is creation. Beauty is in experiencing, not in experience; for experience is ever of the past, and the past is not the experiencing, it is not the living. The purgation of the mind is tranquillity of heart.

Although, it didn't really give any answer as to what to do next after 'acquisition.'

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ugliest Dogs in the World

Need I say more?

Brian Gorrell vs. DJ Montano

I think here's a more objective detail on the war (although the Brian Gorrell phenomena must have died down, I think his blog is already 'laos')

Blogger Brian, ex-lover DJ: A case of he said/he said
By Juliet Labog-Javellana, Bayani San Diego Jr.Philippine Daily InquirerFirst Posted 02:49:00 04/13/2008
MANILA, Philippines—The last time Delfin Justiniano “DJ” Montano saw ex-boyfriend Brian Gorrell was at a Makati police station in October last year, where Montano had filed a complaint of “slight physical injuries and unjust vexation” against Gorrell.
That acrimonious split, he said, led Gorrell to set up the now infamous blog about Montano and his high-society friends dubbed the “Gucci Gang.”
But before things came to a head at the police station, Montano told the Philippine Daily Inquirer, parent company of, on Friday that “there were certain things which I didn’t like anymore so I told him I didn’t want to be in this relationship anymore.”
On Friday, Montano visited the Inquirer for an interview, accompanied by his lawyer Jose Oliveros, godfather Benjie Laurel and mother Aurora Montano.
“He started throwing himself into a wild rage. He hit me with his fist. He threw me against the wall. He pushed me so hard, my head hit the leg of a chair and the floor,” he said, recalling the incident in a hotel in Makati.
When he recovered consciousness, Gorrell was looking down at him.
“I knew he wouldn’t let me go,” Montano said, recalling what Gorrell told him: “If you break up with me, I will ruin your family.”
“He made all sorts of threats,” he added.
After the altercation, Gorrell went to the gym and Montano fled from the hotel room and went straight to the Makati Medical Center to have his bruises treated.
Montano also went to the Makati police to report the incident. He later filed a case of slight physical injuries and unjust vexation against Gorrell.
‘Caught lying’
When the police invited Gorrell to the police station, Gorrell accused Montano of taking his passport. But when the police went back to the hotel, they found Gorrell’s passport hidden in a drawer.
“They caught him lying,” Montano said.
Since then, Gorrell has being sending him threats and lewd messages.
In his blog, Gorrell said he would only stop his “smear campaign” when Montano paid the 70,000 Australian dollars he took from Gorrell. (Gorrell claims the alleged debt is in American dollars.)
Montano said Gorrell dragged the name of the former’s high-society friends and stoked rumors, like on the death of Rustan scion Joel Tantoco, to make his blog controversial.
‘Why should I pay?’
“My family and friends have nothing to do with this. He just started bringing in celebrities to attract attention to his blog and he is even making money from it now,” Montano said.
“But it all boils down to this—he wants money from me. He said ‘You pay me and I will stop this.’ But why should I give him money?” Montano said.
He said even if his legal fight costs him more than 70,000 Australian dollars, he would pursue his fight to the end.
Messages from his friends keep him strong. His mother, Aurora Montano, sent him this message: “Anak (Son), we will triumph over this. This will just make you stronger. Justice will prevail. I love you very much.”
‘Love never goes away’
After reading Montano’s denials published in the Inquirer on Saturday, Gorrell said he felt “completely victimized.”
In a phone interview with the Inquirer, he said: “I still feel as if I am being intimidated and threatened by DJ and his family.”
Yet, upon seeing Montano’s picture on the front page of the Inquirer on Saturday, Gorrell said: “My heart sank. I wanted to hug him. Love never goes away even if your lover hurts you. You will never forget the reason why you fell in love in the first place.”
In the middle of the phone interview, Gorrell sounded as if he was crying. “It was very difficult for me ... you must realize that the last time I saw him was in the hotel (where they had a fight in October). The last time I saw him I was still in love. Then, the next time I see him, it’s in the media. That’s a big psychological leap for me.”
Gorrell did not deny that an altercation took place, and that Montano fell after their arguments became slightly physical.
In his radio interview and in his blog, Gorrell said Montano planned the confrontation and that he was “passive-aggressive. He pretends to be meek and soft-spoken, but [he] can be toxic.”
HIV positive
Gorrell, who is HIV positive, acknowledged that he was being emotional “because I’m not prepared [for the media scrutiny]. Prior to this, I lived a simple life in my farm. I’m not used to this.”
Later, Gorrell explained via e-mail: “What I meant was that I wasn’t prepared to see his face. A minute later, however, I wanted to strangle him. So many lies. He has turned my life into a soap opera. I’m hurting so much.”
When Montano finally decided to break his month-long silence with an interview published in the Inquirer Saturday, he denied all of Gorrell’s statements in his blog—he didn’t owe Gorrell money, he never used drugs, he didn’t know the truth about the untimely death of high-society personality Joel Tantoco.
In his phone interview Saturday with the Inquirer, Gorrell pointed out that he was not inclined to start a “war of words” with his former lover in the media.
Point by point
For the Inquirer, however, he consented to answer, point by point, some of Montano’s pronouncements.
Gorrell said that he didn’t live like a king on Boracay, contrary to what Montano had said in the Inquirer interview.
“I spent only $5,000 the entire time I was in Boracay. From the expensive two-bedroom beachfront home DJ had chosen, I moved to a single room with no hot water. The rent was P5,000 a month. I also had a yaya who prepared my food. Her salary was P4,000 a month. I lived simply.”
He also contradicted Montano’s statement that the money he sent was in Australian dollars.
“It was all in American dollars. And why does he care? He claims he owes me nothing,” Gorrell said.
Shy guy
In the Inquirer interview, Montano recalled that Gorrell had approached him and introduced himself when they first met in a Makati hotel in February 2007.
Gorrell denied this account: “He approached me at the pool. I am too shy to approach anyone. I do not approach; I am approached.”
Gorrell reiterated that he had never criticized Filipinos in his blog. “I love Filipinos. I adore Filipinos.”
In the Inquirer interview, Montano categorically denied the allegations of drug use in Gorrell’s blog.
His godfather Laurel told the Inquirer that Montano was willing to take a drug test to prove it.
“I am not a drug user,” said Montano.
The truth
In an e-mail, Gorrell told the Inquirer: “DJ is addicted to cocaine. We discussed treatment for him. I was going to pay for him to go to the United States, to [an] Arizona [rehabilitation center].”
Montano emphatically denied that he knew the “truth” about Tantoco’s death.
“He died of hemorrhagic pancreatitis,” Montano said, adding that Gorrell had never met the deceased.
This was again contradicted by Gorrell. “I met Joel many times. I know everything about him.”
Court case
Montano presented to the Inquirer documents pertaining to the case he had filed against Gorrell for “slight physical injuries and unjust vexation.”
In a resolution dated March 24, it was stated that it was “Gorrell who owed Montano money.”
In a subpoena dated April 1, Gorrell was “ordered” to appear in court, for an arraignment in the sala of Judge Henry E. Laron of the Makati Metropolitan Trial Court.
Gorrell dismissed Montano’s case against him as insignificant. “Fat chance of me ever appearing there!”
He said he would rather that Montano file a case against him in Australia.
Covering his tracks
“Bring it on,” Gorrell said. “I’m not afraid. I don’t have anything to lose because DJ has taken everything from me.”
Gorrell stressed that he was building a case against Montano: “I’m in contact with the fraud department of the Western Union and the Philippines’ tax agency [Bureau of Internal Revenue]. He would have to explain what he did to the money I sent to him through Western Union.”
Gorrell said that he had sent money to Montano, his bank and his sister from March to October last year. “DJ made sure that I’d send it to him through different methods so that it would be difficult to pin him down later. He was covering his tracks from day one.”
Western Union receipts as proof
Gorrell reiterated that he had all the pertinent documents from Western Union to prove his claims.
“I have all nine receipts,” he said. “The money was meant for our [planned] restaurant and travel agency. He said the money was for my immigration papers, working permit and other business documents.”
But when he confronted Montano about the progress of their business ventures, it sparked the altercation that eventually led to the Makati court case.
In turn, the split led Gorrell to set up the blog.
3.6 million hits
“A Filipino friend suggested that I put up a blog,” he recounted.
The blog of this self-confessed “non-techie” has generated 3.6 million hits since its launch on March 4.
On Friday, after Gorrell posted Montano’s interview, he received the most number of hits on a single day: 112,000. His source for the figures is Site Meter, an online tracking tool.
Even Montano and his family never expected that the blog would grow this big.
Montano admitted: “At first, we thought it would die a natural death.”
This was seconded by his lawyer Oliveros: “My advice was: If you answer, it will only add fuel to the fire.”
Out of control
When Montano first got in touch with the Inquirer a month ago, he said he would rather not issue a formal statement until Gorrell filed “a case in the proper forum.”
On Friday, Montano explained that he was breaking his silence because “things have gotten out of control.”
What they thought would blow over after a while has been reported, Montano conceded, “in all forms of media—on TV and radio and in newspapers.”
Blog gives back
Gorrell said that he’s now planning to redirect “all this media attention” to a cause he feels strongly about: An HIV information and awareness campaign.
“We launched it last week. Every week, I will write about it. I want to turn something negative into a positive,” he quipped. “After all, I’m positive myself. It’s an issue I know well.”
He recalled that he received 3,000 e-mails after he posted his plans to pursue this advocacy.
On a personal note, he said he was inspired to take up this cause after encountering prejudice first-hand.
“While I was still in Boracay last year, DJ’s mother called me up to tell me that she would have me deported because of my ailment,” Gorrell recalled. “At that time, I didn’t know if it were true or not. I was trembling after that call.”
In an earlier phone interview, however, Gorrell pointed out that he had learned to ignore the threats from Montano and his family. “If I allow them to affect me, I would only empower their threats.”
He said, he said
Gorrell, however, noted that he still had a lot of bombshells in his online arsenal—particularly about Montano and his “high”-society friends. “I’m not going to give up. My blog will speak for itself. That’s my message to the world.”
A TV news executive described the Gorrell-Montano controversy as a case of “He said ... she said”—a tale of a lovers’ quarrel that has reached various media platforms.
From the blog setup by Gorrell on March 4, the scandal has jumped to the print and broadcast media.
To be accurate, however, it’s a case of “He said ... he said.”

Monday, November 10, 2008

Chris Tiu is Gay???

I came across Chris Tiu's blog, the 1st time I saw it akala ko may girl lang na gumawa ng blog for him. When I read, sya pala! My gosh, the blog is soooo gay! From the pink font (& look on the upper right...Fashionable Aprons???). Even his style of writing? I dunno, haven't been familiar w/ a 'guy' blogger who writes this way...

Because of this I searched the net for any confirmations. Here are the sites I found.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Country Without Women!!!

Found this interesting article on the web...
Athos is a 40-mile-long piece of land jutting out from Greece into the Aegean Sea. But Athos is really not part of Greece.
It's ruled by a group of monks who represent the 20 monasteries in Athos. Since 1045, the monks have forbidden women to set foot on their land!
It isn't only human women who are not permitted in Athos, but females of all animal species. Only recently have exceptions been made — in the case of hens and female cats!
A monk who lived in Athos was probably the only man in history who never laid eyes on a single female throughout his life. The monk, Mihailo Tolotos, lost his mother the day he was born, and was taken to the monastery the next day.
He spent the rest of his life in Athos, without ever seeing a female of any species!
*What about a country w/o men? Wouldn't that be better? hahahahha!

Monday, November 3, 2008

The House Bunny

Ok, as per my previous post, I saw 'The House Bunny' last Saturday.

My gosh, I strongly recommend it, it was a 'great' laugh! Anna Faris is so good in her role & she's so funny, her lines are soooo funny!

The story was great as well. It wasn't as shallow as I expected it to be ;)

Plus, I liked all the other 'surprise' cast member like Hef, Holly, his other 2 girlfriends, Katharine McPhee, Rumer Willis, & Emma Stone! Shaq was also there but I'm not a basketball fan, so there!

Katharine's role was a bit surprising, I think she's to pretty to play that part, hehe!

I always thought Rumer was ugly, I mean, compared to her hot parents but she's eye-catching when she let go of her body brace in the movie!

Emma Stone kinda look like Lindsay Lohan???

Oh, I also like Tom Hanks' son, hehe!

Btw, do you like watching The Girls Next Door? Maybe we'll talk about that next time =)

How to Survive a Break-up

As usual I have nothing to do at work again. So I was browsing the net & found this interesting topic. I didn't read the book/article though. Thought I'd have my own take on this.

1. Be real.

C'mon dude. I never believed that you can have a break-up w/o hard feelings. Be real. If you hate him then hate him. Do not hold it back. Do not pretend, not just to other people but most especially yourself, that it's ok. Don't pretend you are friends. Don't try to be nice. Be honest. Don't be fake. Why? This will ensure that all your feelings are brought out in the open. This is a way for you to get over these awful feelings, to not pretend they don't exist.

2. Do not expect.

Think it's over. Believe it's over. He's not a part of your life anymore. He's a nobody. Do not compare your life to his life. Do not relate anything to him. He's a stranger.

3. Do not be friends w/ him.

This will help you a great deal so stop being nice. Tell him directly you don't want to have any contact w/ him anymore. Do not think about what he will feel. Think of yourself. Think how much easier you'll get over him when he is not present in your life.

4. Beware of rebounds.

Do not get into a new relationship for the wrong reasons. And you know what these reasons are. Do not use another guy to fill your loneliness, man-dependency, ego, pride, etc.. Date around but do not settle for another jerk just because of a past jerk.

So there, parang bitin noh? But I can't think of anything else. I believe these cover everything anyways ;)